Software & Hardware requirements

The software right now supports only Windows operating system (Windows Server included) that are still supported by Microsoft (No EOL Windows versions).

Linux support is planned and we are actively developing it, but it's not available at the moment.

If you cannot or you don't want to install ERP Bridge on the same server where the ERP is installed, you can always install our software on a different machine!

The only requirement for ERP Bridge is to have access to the ERP database, but it can be in a different machine/server.

That is especially useful when the ERP database is installed on a not supported OS or in case of strict security policy.

There is no need to install additional runtimes or third party software in order to run ERP Bridge.

The agent and the wizard software are extremely light and there are no minimum requirements for CPU performance and RAM quantity, however, because the agent runs queries on your database, if the volume of extracted data is high and the server has slow hardware, the extraction phase will be slow as well.

ERP Bridge supports only CPU with x86 architecture at 64 bits. ARM and RISC architectures are not officially supported.

Last updated